Monday, November 7, 2011

First appointment in Minneapolis is scheduled

I received a call from the University of Minnesota. It seems that both my perinatologist and pediatric cardiologist contacted them. U of M wants to see me ASAP, so they have me scheduled for an ENTIRE day of appointments later this week. Repeat fetal echo, another detailed U/S, meeting with another perinatologist, another pediatric cardiologist, then a meeting with the “team” to discuss the delivery plans. She said they want to discuss the delivery plan since I’m “getting so close.” Err, I’m only 21 weeks, and considering my goal is 38 weeks (though probably not very realistic), I don’t feel that I’m getting close, at all. Oh well. The appointment is scheduled and this will be the first of many ‘leave the house by 5am, drive 4+hour’ appointments.


  1. I hate that you have to go through this but I'm so glad you're in such good hands!

  2. So glad they're being aggressive about fitting you in. Also so sorry you're facing all of this. Thinking of you and reading every post even if I'm not always commenting...


  3. I am sorry that this is a more difficult pregnancy. You and Your Family will be in my prayers. Also did I miss something or read the wrong date I thought it said you had Nia Oct 22, 2011 if that is true how can you be over 20 weeks pregnant with twins. I must have got the date wrong.


  4. Nevermind I think I combined blogs very sorry.

