(apologies for the formatting issues, I've been fighting with Blogger for over an hour, and I give up)
Since I’m now 15 weeks 2 days, I thought I should probably update with the 14 week appointment. Where does the time go?!?!
First a med update:
12 weeks 6 days: done with estrogen tablets
14 weeks 3 days: done with Gestone (progesterone in oil)
Yes, this nasty stuff
15 weeks 1 day: done with Prednisone (may the puffiness in my face soon disappear)
Crinone, you are next to go (hopefully within 2 weeks)
Okay, 14 week appointment…
Baby A:

My doctor seems very pleased. My labs are great, BP was 106/68, and she checked my ankles for swelling, none. The medical student that was with her decided to use the Doppler to check the heartbeats and had I not JUST come from a 30 minute ultrasound, I would have been terrified; she couldn’t find Baby B’s heartbeat. Baby A was fairly easy to find, Baby B was, as usual, all over the place and impossible. Finally my doctor took the Doppler and even she was only able to find Baby B for a couple of seconds (not even the 6 seconds necessary to get a decent count).
She’d already received the ultrasound pics and report. Baby A is measuring at 17%; Baby B is measuring at 12%. She said she’s not concerned since they’re within 5% of each other. I did mention the perinatologist’s comment about wanting the babies out by 38 weeks. She said that they would absolutely be out between 37-38, probably closer to 37. There's just too much that can go wrong past that point and particularly with my risks, they're better out than in. Overall, a great appointment. I see her again on Monday.