Sunday, May 29, 2011

3dp5dt, FET #2

Well, I feel nothing. I had some slight cramping yesterday, nothing today. My mom and husband are taking good care of me (lots of pineapple core smoothies and water). Unfortunately all of us have come down with the bug that Kate has (fever, congestion, sore throat).

I’m still not feeling hopeful about this cycle.


  1. I wish you all the best! Sometimes you just never know! Never lose hope!! On my last FET, I became pregnant with my twins who are now 20 months. Thanks for stopping by my blog! Just added your link!

  2. I am thinking of you and hoping that you're pleasantly surprised by the outcome of this cycle. Pinapple core smmothies sound delicious. Feel better!

  3. I'm sorry you all are sick but I am still hanging onto hope for you and this cycle! Many hugs!

  4. OH, and are you going to do a test at home? Just curious! It's funny, I HAD to test as soon as I possibly could to know if I was ever pregnant. But things like finding out the baby's gender I just didn't care, lol. I guess I just can't stand the thought of NOT knowing that I'm pregnant when all I have to do is pee on a little stick, lol. Good luck either way!

  5. Well, my last fresh cycle I had a lot of cramping, hot flashes, was convinced it worked and it didnt. This FET I had nothing, and am pregnant. No symptoms means absolutely nothing. Hang in there!!!

  6. Yes. I'll probably test on Thursday. That will be 7dp5dt, which should be enough time.

  7. Good luck!!! Fingers and toes crossed!
