It’s TWINS!!

Baby A: 6mm, measuring 6 weeks 3 days, heart rate 122bpm
She was thrilled, gave me a big hug and said I deserved this after everything we’ve been through. I can’t get over how happy she was. It’s such a great feeling, especially knowing what a team effort IVF really is. Another nurse, whom I’ve worked with many times, came in and congratulated me as well. Then Dr. Fabulous took me downstairs for intralipids. Several nurses, including nurses from the operating theatre stopped by to congratulate me upon hearing the news. Word travels fast in that clinic.
My reproductive immunologist started my IV today, so I was able to ask him about additional intralipids. I did them throughout the first trimester with Kate, but we are leaving in two weeks, and I’ll only be 8 weeks 3 days. His suggestion was to have another infusion as close to our departure date as possible, then I’ll be covered through the first trimester. Sounds good to me. Dr. Wonderful, who did the transfer earlier this month, happened to stop by, so I was able to tell him as well.
When I went to pay today’s bill, my favorite receptionist was very happy to hear the news, even asking to see the pictures. The woman in the billing office next door came over to see the pictures, and offer congratulations as well.
I LOVE my clinic so much! Everyone just seems genuinely excited and happy. There is no way I could have done this without them, all of them.
It’s still VERY early and I know that I could lose one, or both, of the babies, but for today, I’m VERY, VERY happy!