Friday, July 1, 2011

IVF #3, another embryology update

And so, the roller coaster continues. I had been simultaneously waiting impatiently for, and dreading, the embryology phone call I honestly didn’t think we’d have any embryos to transfer tomorrow, after the previous update.

Well, I spoke to the embryologist this afternoon. I had a very hard time understanding her, but it sounds as if all five embryos are still alive. ::faints:: That said, only two of them are compacting (on their way to becoming blasts), two more are rather slow and one is not doing well at all.

Since we are leaving next month, we really can’t/ don’t want to freeze any and leave them behind. Add in that I’ve failed both of my frozen cycles. Add in that they probably don't meet freezing criteria anyway. It sounds as though we’ll probably have two, maybe three tomorrow, so I’ll talk to Dr. Fabulous in the morning, and see what number she feels comfortable transferring. True to form, I’ve done research on transfer numbers, ad nauseam, and I know what I’m comfortable with, but the final decision is that of Dr. Fabulous and the clinic.

As always, I’d appreciate healthy embryo thoughts for tomorrow. I’ll update when I get home.


  1. Good luck! I have been following your journey and hoping for you all along the way.

  2. Sending you lots of good embie vibes! I think your decision making is right on, and I hope you get a lovely BFP this time:) xxoo

  3. I hope everything goes well and that you have at least two blastos.

  4. So glad you got some good news today! I'll keep everything crossed for at least 2 little blasts to get snuggled in tomorrow!!

  5. Hoping, wishing, and praying for growing embies and a smooth transfer!


  6. Sending positive thoughts your way!

  7. Sending healthy embryo thoughts!!!
