Sunday, July 10, 2011

8dp5dt, 2 more tests

Despite the horrible cramping, it appears that things are still moving in the right direction. I took two more tests this morning, both positive. I'm convinced this is either a chemical or a late implanter (possibly one of the morulas).

I'm done testing until the beta tomorrow. Hoping and praying for a big number.


  1. Those lines look just fine to me! They are actually exactly what my line looked like with my second daughter at 10dp3dt, right where you are. Can't wait to hear a nice beta!

  2. Lines look good! Hope you get a lovely big number too!

  3. Those lines look great!!! I understand guarding your heart, but I'm getting excited for you girl!!!

  4. Looking really good. So great!!!

    Thanks for your comments on my blog x x x

  5. The lines look great to me, but I get being worried. Can't wait to hear your beta tomorrow!

  6. My lines were of that intensity day later!! I'd be optimistic if I were you!

  7. No doubt about those lines -- it's not the darkness that matters, but that they are there at all. That's a positive, no doubt about it. Hoping for a strong beta that gives you reason to celebrate.

  8. Hoping for a great beta! So glad to see those nice pink lines!!

  9. I know you have been through hell and back with this so I feel hesitant to say anything but... when I got preggers with #1 and #2 I felt crampy with both in the beginning. It was like my uterus was preparing for battle. AND... from my obsession compulsion with the science of the pee stick I learned that you do not get a line, however faint, if there is not the hormone. You have something there and I am praying your numbers are high this week. Super exciting.

  10. Definitely lines there! Looking forward to hearing a high number later :) xx

  11. There most definitely is a line ... hoping for great beta numbers today!
