Thursday, June 25, 2009

I wish I could be in Washington DC today

Resolve Advocacy Day is today, June 25. Resolve is The National Infertility Association; an organization that is working to bring awareness to this disease and get health insurance coverage for infertility. Currently only 15 states have mandated insurance coverage. The rest of us pay out of pocket for everything. Every appointment, every ultrasound, every blood draw, every test, every injection, every operation, and every medication, we pay for.

It angers me that my health insurance covers medical care for conditions and diseases that typically occur when people make poor lifestyle choices. Yet through no fault of my own, I’m infertile and have to pay for my health care out of pocket. It’s absurd.

I’m particularly bitter and disappointed that the federal government only provides two insurance options for employees overseas, neither of which covers fertility treatment. Give us more companies to choose from or give us more comprehensive health care through the two available.

Infertility is a medical condition and we deserve health insurance coverage.

To those of you who are attending Advocacy Day, good luck and thank you for being our voice.

For more information, please visit the Resolve website.


  1. I couldn't agree ireland is not even under consideration as you may know. it's really hard on those people that cannot afford to pay for treatments. love, Fran

  2. I am completely with you on this one. Why do insurances cover smokers, but not us?
