Monday, January 4, 2010

last intralipid infusion

This morning I had my last intralipid infusion. The doctor said that I could continue to have them if I wanted to, but based on the research I’ve done, even in the U.S. most patients only get three; I’ve had six. Plus, they aren't covered by insurance, and doing it twice a month adds up fast. I think, hope, pray that I did it long enough.

The empty bag. All done!

I also had another ultrasound. The baby is measuring 11 weeks 2 days, I’m 11 weeks 4 days, so just two days off, nothing to be concerned about. Once again, the baby slept through most of the scan. There was some movement toward the end, but it kept its legs tucked in and was rather still for the most part. The heartbeat seems nice and strong, and the baby has definitely grown a lot. The quality of the ultrasound leaves a lot to be desired, so hopefully the OB that I see next week will have a better machine.

Yes, that is the other big news. As of this morning, I’ve officially been released to the OB. The fertility clinic had a referral letter waiting for me, which I will take in to the OB appointment next week. It was very strange to walk out of the clinic for what should be the last time for at least a year (we still have two frozen embryos for next time). Unfortunately because of holiday scheduling, most of my favorite nurses, doctors, and front office staff weren’t there today. I did get to say goodbye to a few people and I’m sure I’ll see the others again.

It’s beginning to feel more real, but nowhere near “safe” yet.

This morning we woke up to another light dusting of snow, so strange.


  1. There is definitely a BABY in there! So exciting. I'm so glad things are progressing nicely and that you have been released to a "regular" OB...what a great feeling. I'm sure you are relieved to be done with the infusions. They seemed to have done the trick.

  2. That is great news on the scan. Congratulations on your last infusion!

  3. woot woot! Graduation day!! that's awesome ... congratulations!

  4. Yay for graduating! It is the most weird feeling...

    What a beautiful pic of baby!

    I'm SO happy for you!! :)
