Wednesday, June 29, 2011

IVF #3, embryology update :(

This afternoon I spoke with the embryologist. She said that three of the embryos are showing significant degrees of fragmentation; the other two are doing well. She went as far as to offer me the option of doing a 3-day transfer tomorrow (as in, we might not have anything to transfer on day 5). It is 100% certain that we will have nothing to freeze.

Having previously done more research on this than I care to admit (I've also had both a 3-day and a 5-day transfer), I decided to take a chance and grow them out to 5-day blasts. The risk of course is that we’ll have nothing to transfer. That said, many REs believe that if embryos don’t make it to day five, they weren’t healthy enough to result in a pregnancy anyway, so basically you’re just getting the bad news earlier. If we have a blast to transfer, the chances are better that we’re putting back a good quality embryo.

After I got off the phone with the embryologist, I was rather upset, so I left a message for Dr. Fabulous, highlighting the conversation I’d just had. She called me back within minutes (have I mentioned how much I adore her). Upon listening to my message, she immediately spoke with the embryologist and based on their conversation, agreed that I’m doing the right thing (hoping to get to blast stage). We talked for a bit and she said to call back anytime if I need to talk, so sweet. She also promised to check on the embryos and call if there are any significant changes. Otherwise, I’ll hear from embryology on Friday and schedule transfer for Saturday. Dr. Fabulous will be at the clinic on Saturday, too. At least if there’s really bad news, I’ll be in good hands.

Please pray, think good thoughts or whatever you do. Thank you.


  1. Thinking of you and your embies!

  2. hang in there embryos! thinking of you as you ride this roller coaster : )

  3. So sorry, C. I'm going to hold out hope that you get 2 good blasts to transfer on Saturday. I know it's hard to stay positive but right now your body needs all sorts of positive vibes. I will be praying for your little embies to not only make it to Saturday but to THRIVE and grow and be as strong as they can. (((hugs)))

  4. Thinking of you! I just did a Day 2 transfer because I only had two embryos, and the doctor said he'd rather have them in me than in the lab since I wouldn't have a choice of embies to transfer anyway. My thinking was that I might as well do it because the transfer is painless (and part of the package price I'd already paid), and it fell on a Sunday so I didn't have work issues. I'm in Morocco, though, and am not 100% confident in the lab quality so would rather not take my chances with leaving them there a few more days.

  5. You and those embies are in my thoughts! It sounds like you are making the right choice. :)

  6. Aww... I'm so sorry. I hope they hang on to become blastos.

    My clinic only does 3 day transfers, which I'm relieved about as it means I don't have to make this decision. It must be a difficult one.

  7. I'm sorry, I know it's so frustrating to find out you have little to work with. But in the IVF that resulted in my living daughter...I had one embryo. ONE. And she is now almost 9 months old. Don't give up hope yet. Hugs!

  8. Sending big hugs, hope, strength and prayers to your two remaining embies that they make it to transfer and grow beautifully once inside you. Deep breaths. Xxooxx

  9. Sending you lots of positive thoughts for those blastos xx
